Autism Sunday at Toy’s R Us :: When companies do Christmas right.

Autism Sunday at Toys R Us via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Earlier this week I was sat doing some work after the kids had gone to bed when Adam flagged up the sweetest news story from Toys R Us, which left me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.

On Sunday 29th November, Toys R Us are holding a nationwide Autism Sunday to help families with children who have sensory disorders or are on the autism spectrum get their Christmas shopping done. Isn’t that lovely? The store will open an hour earlier just for these families and the lights will be dimmed, the music turned down and staff with basic Autism parental training are going to be on help to give a hand – the best thing, parents will be able to wondered around in an environment free from judgement and surrounded by other people who can empathise and understand what their day to day life is like.

I feel very passionately about creating an environment where special needs are catered for, where they aren’t seen as ‘abnormal’ but rather just different, because that’s what they are – it’s what we all are. I would love to see this kind of thing on a more permanent basis, but at this time of year it will be such a blessing to families who might need that extra help – and it could mean that a child gets to experience the pure excitement of running around Toys R Us at Christmas time, telling their parents what needs to go on their list. It might mean that a family gets some advice as to what toys to recommend to friends and family or buy themselves, that will bring their child joy on Christmas Day.

I adore Toys R Us for this, it’s wonderful and so compassionate of a multinational company and I think it’s a wonderful way to honour the true meaning of Christmas, being thoughtful of others and caring for them.

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