
Meal Plan 02/11

Well… return of the lockdown is upon us guys. I really feel like Boris took the trick in trick or treat a bit far this Halloween, though perhaps had he treated us to a proper leadership and efficiency, we might…

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Meal Plan 19/10

What a week! There have been so many COVID changes recently, it feels like constant change – byt the time you read this you might even find that things have changed again. Personally, I would like to see the 2…

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Filtering out Food Waste with Arla Cravendale

Let’s have a conversation about food waste! Did you know that according to research from sustainability charity WRAP. around 490 million pints of milk goes down the drain because it’s gone past it’s best? A pretty shocking amount, right? It’s…

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Meal Plan 12/10

Another Monday has wrapped around! It felt like last week went by in a blur! It just seemed to pass really quickly, in fact we seem to be speeding towards half term and Halloween at a rapid pace lately! When…

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