Amazing fingernail transfers make the cutest party bag fillers for kids

These are our favourites - the 'on the farm' transfers. You can also get ladybugs and safari transfers too!Pin this image on Pinterest

These are our favourites – the ‘on the farm’ transfers. You can also get ladybugs and safari transfers too!

Recently I put some nail transfers on Roo, I have had them for quite a while but he has never wanted to put them on until now – suddenly we have to have them on all of the time!

So many people have been asking me where they are from, and just generally commenting on how wonderful they are! They are designed by a company called Worldwide Co, and you cant et them from most online boutiques – there are a few different style – but my favourite boutique that sells them is The Carousel Show.

They are so much fun and they last for days and days, even with digging and scrapping and all the other things little ones do! I’ve also decided that these will make wonderful party bag fillers for kids!

Harriet x

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