Adorable wire name signs from Little Cloud

Dalring little name signs from Little Cloud via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

I just adore these darling little name signs, I know it will be the perfect thing to hang in Edith’s nursery (and bedroom as she gets older.)

Dalring little name signs from Little Cloud via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Handmade with soft wiring and then coated in liberty print material these are just so precious.

Dalring little name signs from Little Cloud via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

There are several liberty prints to choose from so you can’t go wrong.

Ahh how sweet are these little name signs from Little Cloud? I came across them on another blog last week (here) and I just fell in love! I have to say, I’ve been really rubbish lately, I know Edie isn’t in her room yet, but I have ordered some stunning artwork for her and I just haven’t had chance to get it framed and on the wall, so every time I go into her room to get her outfit for the day I just think the walls look so sad and bare! I’m sure at some point I will get a frame for her artwork… at some point!

So, to rectify my bare wall situation, I have ordered one of these super cute name signs from Little Cloud. They are just adorable and perfect for any child’s bedroom. I have such a thing for liberty print and all of these name signs come covered in the sweetest liberty print fabric, you just have to choose your favourite. Also, if you want to give this as a beautiful gift for someone, you can order it pre-wrapped.

Harriet x

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