Adorable, stylish baby toys from Babee & Me

Adorable, stylish baby toys from Babee & Me via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parenting and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

I love the wooden block stamping on these toys – so sweet!

Adorable, stylish baby toys from Babee & Me via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parenting and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Edith loves cuddly things already – just like Toby & Reuben, they have all been very quick to take to snuggles 🙂

Adorable, stylish baby toys from Babee & Me via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parenting and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

This toy got me in particular because of Edith’s teething troubles at the moment.

Adorable, stylish baby toys from Babee & Me via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parenting and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Beautiful, bespoke playmats for your little one.

Adorable, stylish baby toys from Babee & Me via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parenting and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Soft cubes are great for exploring babies!

I have to confess and say that I have very few baby toys in the house that I actually like. I bought a tonne of toys for Roo when I was first pregnant and most of them were gaudy, plastic and annoyingly loud. Which I think seems to be the checklist for a lot of baby toy manufacturers because, like it or not, the bambinos LOVE them, so the parents buy them!

For this reason, I haven’t taken many toys out of the loft for Edith. I found with Toby, once he got big enough, he only wanted what Roo had, so we didn’t really get him anything new for ‘that stage’. Edith has her Flora fox and a Fan-Fan Le Fawn teething toy that she loves (and I adore) but the other things she has are hideous, gaudy rattles, playmate and a bouncer all of which leave me requiring at least two cups of coffee to even look at straight and hungover, forget about it.

I’m telling you this because I don’t want you to make the same mistakes as me and waste time with gaudy, hideous toys when I now know there are so many adorable things out there that are still bright enough and playful enough for baby to enjoy, but unlikely to send a signal to mars like a landing strip at midnight. One of those brands is the gorgeous Aussie brand Babee and Me.

I love love love their stylish playmats, I love their baby toys and toddler toys too – they are just so effortlessly stylish and cool, while retaining that fun. I’m steadily starting to buy things like this for Edie (and trying to plead with Toby to play with toddler toys that I think look awesome in the playroom – which is pointless) to chew and discover with.

The verbs stylish mama behind the brand, Rachel McKenzie, set things up in 2010 after she had her little boys and decided that they deserved something handmade, not mass produced and stylish too. All her products are locally made in Byron Bay, which I love because it gives the brand a really authentic feel. Rachel makes all the fabrics herself using screen printing techniques and all of her wooden blocks and toys are hand painted.

Harriet x

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