Adorable handmade dolls from PiggyhatesPanda for Christmas!

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Handmade dolls really seem to be coming back into their own (though, I suppose they haven’t ever really been ‘out’) and I’m so excited by this! I have seen so many of these lovely dolls about recently and just in time for Christmas too!

The one thing I really love about a rag doll (or even a cloth doll) over the newer moulded plastic is that children can snuggle and sleep with their dolls as well as nurture them. So sweet!

I came across these beautiful dolls from PiggyhatesPanda on Etsy earlier in the week, and I just instantly fell in love with them. They are hand embroidered and made from linen, soft cotton and felt… perfect for any little one this Christmas, no matter how young as most of the dolls are baby safe.

I could literally add pictures of them all day!

You can find out more about the dolls, or order one in time for that special little someone, here.

Harriet x

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