Adorable dressing up outfits from Smallable. Cowboys & Indians anyone?

Smallable dressing up kits, ideal for imaginative play. Toby & Roo :: full of inspiring ideas for parents.Pin this image on Pinterest

These costumes are so well made, and designed with such thought.

Smallable dressing up kits, ideal for imaginative play. Toby & Roo :: full of inspiring ideas for parents.Pin this image on Pinterest

I love that this native american costume is so authentic, they make one for girls and one for boys so it is as accurate as can be.

Smallable dressing up kits, ideal for imaginative play. Toby & Roo :: full of inspiring ideas for parents.Pin this image on Pinterest

Go plundering over the open seas!

I love these adorable dressing up outfits from Smallable – they are so authentic and guaranteed to temp any child to explore their imagination!

What makes these dress up sets so exciting is the fact that they are totally designed based on realistic outfits: the native american outfit has traditional markings and accessories (although these accessories are ethically made – no bears had to be harmed to make this bear claw necklace!). The viking costume doesn’t just have a helmet and tunic but it has an authentic looking drinking horn and sword belt.

The other thing that I think is really cool is that you can add accessories from the rest of the collection, so if you wanted to have a bow and arrow set or you can tailor your own pirate set!

You can find out more about these wonderful costume sets here.

Harriet x

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