5 Reasons Why Pedestrian Accidents Happen in Houston

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According to recent reports, 358 people died as a result of pedestrian accidents in Houston between January 2021 and December 2022. This statistic proves the seriousness of the issue.

The causes of pedestrian accidents in Houston are usually preventable. Unfortunately, hundreds of people lose their lives every year due to carelessness or negligence.

In this article, we’ll be discussing the top five reasons why pedestrian accidents happen in Houston. Being aware of them can amplify your alertness and help you stay on the right side of safety whenever you’re hiking down the road.

  • Driving under the influence

50% of the reported accidents each year are related to alcohol usage. The drunk party can either be the vehicle operator or the pedestrian. 

Alcohol impairs a person’s ability to react immediately to sudden hazards. They become unable to prevent the danger that is about to occur or get out of their way.

You must ensure that you stay off the road when you are under the influence of any drug or alcohol that reduces your ability to think or act like a responsible person would. Your best bet for safety would be to get another individual to give you a drive to your destination. Rideshare services are available to save you from alcohol-related accidents.

  • Reckless driving

Reckless driving encompasses overspeeding, not paying attention to road rules and traffic signs, and deliberately indulging in anything that jeopardizes the safety of other road users.

Pedestrian accidents mostly happen in school zones because most drivers tend to be oblivious to the safety limits in these zones.

It’s important to educate schoolchildren on how to safely cross the road. They must be taught to avoid jaywalking at all costs. If they are unsure about when to cross, asking an adult for help can keep them safe. 

  • Failure to yield

Failure to yield occurs when a driver refuses to give other road users their due right of way.

According to the Texas Department of Transportation, failure to yield was a contributing factor in over 18,000 crashes in 2020 alone. These accidents resulted in 762 serious injuries and 298 fatalities. 

Failure to yield is often a result of impatience, distracted driving, or an inability to understand traffic regulations, especially at complex intersections.

  • Distracted driving

Many things can distract road users while they’re on the road, but the use of mobile devices is at the top of the list. 

When a road user becomes mentally absorbed in other activities, their attention to the road reduces gradually until it is practically non-existent. This can create a hazardous situation for both themselves and fellow road users.

The widespread use of mobile devices while driving has become a prominent issue in modern society. The thrills of instant communication, social media, and digital engagement are usually too tempting for drivers to resist. 

As attention shifts from the road to the screen, the consequences can be severe. The results can range from minor fender-benders to life-altering collisions.

The human body is not designed to withstand the impact of a moving vehicle. The aftermath of an accident on a pedestrian is usually more severe than it is for the vehicle operator. 

For this reason, pedestrians should ensure they exercise the utmost safety habits whenever they use the roads. Phones, tablets, and all other forms of distraction should be kept aside, even when there are no oncoming vehicles.

  • Scarcity of sidewalks

Half of Houston’s streets offer no designated path for pedestrians. Because of this, the residents have to navigate the streets alongside speeding cars. This, of course, increases the risk of accidents and puts a strain on mobility.

The absence of dedicated pathways also contributes to reduced visibility. Pedestrians are often blocked by parked cars or even overgrown vegetation. Drivers with impaired vision may not notice them in time, leading to tragic collisions. 

Children, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities face particular challenges while touring Houston’s hostile streets. Without accessible sidewalks, their daily commute requires three times the usual effort.

Wrapping Up

Houston is considered one of the most dangerous locations for pedestrians. Over the past decade, this Texas city has seen more pedestrian accidents than any other city in the US.

To keep yourself from being off the list of casualties, ensure that you abide by the road rules at all times.

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