4 Reasons Why Teens May Start Self-Medicating With Illicit Substances

Teenagers usually experience a wide range of emotions as they grow. In some cases, these emotions are more than they can handle. Therefore, if they do not have a positive outlet for their emotional turbulence, they are likely to use destructive techniques to channel their emotions, such as using illicit substances. Note that the reasons behind teen substance abuse are complex and multifaceted, and this article will discuss four common factors that contribute to this trend.

Manage Emotional Pain

As kids grow into teenagers, they start getting more responsibilities in their homes and schools, and they sometimes find it challenging to juggle everything they are expected to do. In addition, they deal with unexpected hormonal changes and social insecurities. An adolescent’s brain might not manage to deal with all the challenges and might seek solace in alcohol and drugs. That’s because the use of substances provides a temporary numbing feeling. For teenagers, such behavior could lead to them becoming dependent on substances and could damage their lives. If parents notice that their teenager is a substance abuser, they should seek help from the leading drug rehabs in Orange County. These institutions have many professionals who understand teen problems and create personalized treatment plans.

Peer Pressure

The various body changes that adolescents have to go through will likely make them feel vulnerable. As a result, they will want to fit in with their peers so they do not feel lonely. Unfortunately, in some circles, that means engaging in dangerous behavior like abusing substances. To make matters worse, many social gatherings they attend have substances, which makes teenagers assume that using these products is acceptable. Therefore, in fear of being left out, teenagers are likely to use illicit drugs even if they know the potential risk of engaging in such behaviors. Some will likely get hooked, making it difficult to quit the habit. Therefore, anyone who has a teenager addicted to substances should seek help from licensed therapists.

To Feel Like Grown-Ups

Teens usually struggle with identity as they transition from the child to the adult stage. However, they are not yet regarded as adults, and the lack of identity can make them act out. These teenagers usually desire the chance to make independent decisions and be respected like adults. That is why some adolescents rebel in an attempt to seek validation in the complex world of expectations and opportunities. Part of acting as a grownup and rebelling involves taking illicit medications. Unfortunately, some teenagers take the substance to make a statement only to end up getting addicted or, in the worst case, overdosing and passing on.


A common misconception that society has about teenagers who experiment with alcohol and drugs is that they are naughty. While this might be true sometimes, it is not always a fact. Curiosity and exploration are other reasons teenagers turn to substances. However, adventure and curiosity are a natural part of life, and teenagers are not immune to it. Many teenagers who use illicit substances do so mainly because they are curious and want to know what it feels like. This happens despite knowing the consequences of using the products since they believe they are invincible. Thus, they do not think that anything wrong will happen to them when they use the substance. Therefore, what begins as innocent experimentation can quickly escalate into problematic substance abuse.

Several factors, such as managing emotional pain, peer pressure, the urge to feel like a grown-up, and experimenting, can influence teens to self-medicate with illicit drugs. Therefore, there is a need to identify the underlying factors to address substance abuse and provide support and resources that could help teens navigate the challenges of adolescence in healthier ways.

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