3 Savvy ways to keep redecorating your child’s room without breaking the bank.

3 Savvy ways to keep redecorating your child's room without breaking the bank via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

Redecorating your child’s room is something that will no doubt be requested over and over, you will just get it decorated and they will want something new. I’ve always been really strict with the boys, their bedroom is decorated in a modern but stylish manner and I let them choose their artwork and decorations, but I won’t let them choose character things – mainly because since last Tuesday Toby has decided he’s not all that interested in Superheroes or Ninjago, he loves Dinosaurs more than ever… However next week, we’ll be full pelt Spider-Man and Thor again. I just can’t keep up with them.

Anyway, over the years of reading and loving blogs, staring glazed-eyed at stylish home magazines and re-decorating my own home time and time again, I have come up with a few solutions to re-decorating your children’s spaces WITHOUT much effort or breaking the bank.

1.) Wall decals – the sky’s the limit!

3 Savvy ways to keep redecorating your child's room without breaking the bank via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

3 Savvy ways to keep redecorating your child's room without breaking the bank via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

You can change wall decals until you are blue in the face. You can do it over and over again and it will never cost you the same amount as wallpapering – in money or effort. My favourite new savvy spot for for buying wall decals is the ingenious Room to Grow, who design the amazing and FREE wall decals and send them to you to print. Not only does that make them far better for the savvy parent, because you can print them over and over, but it also makes it a far more eco-friendly process and much, much quicker. We are the digital age after all.

2.) Utilise paint, especially mini test pots.

3 Savvy ways to keep redecorating your child's room without breaking the bank via Toby & Roo :: daily inspiration for stylish parents and their kids.Pin this image on Pinterest

You’ve seen the boy’s room (if you haven’t it’s here) so you know how I feel about feature paints and walls. The children like yellow this quarter? No worries, a yellow feature wall coming up – for as little as £10 the whole room is transformed, and it won’t cause you any trouble to paint over it. You don’t even have to go for a feature wall, why not create a large rectangle and add decorative shelving for their favourite toys (like this) or art work (try these and these). When I did this in the boy’s room, I used one small £2.49 pot of paint, and it looks amazing!

3.) Change bedding and accessories, with a white back drop of course.

Paint all the walls white, then accessorize! You can have artwork galore and then ALL their favorite things, from Dinosaurs to Lego to Captain America; everyone can have a feature, and there is no need to chop and change. Super simple. I also think buying themed bedding (if you can stomach it – I refuse to allow it because I can’t stand it) will give your kids an option of whatever favorite character it is on that day or week. You can also consider adding a bumble bee decor welcome sign for a cheerful touch, perfect for those looking to decorate with this theme.

So there you have it, 3 easy steps to meeting the ever changing bedroom decor demands of the small tyrant you house!

H x

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  1. Avatar September 18, 2015 / 10:03 pm

    Luckily my boys have not thought of asking for their rooms to be redecorated, as I’m more of a baking person than a home-style, but your tips are great

    • Harriet September 22, 2015 / 10:52 am

      Ohh I love to bake too! x

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