My 2018 Goals :: New Year… Same me!

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Eye spy with my little eye, something that looks a lot like a new year’s resolution post, but I’m not calling it that because I don’t DO New Years resolutions. I never stick to them. Ever. So I’m going to do a 2018 goals post instead, because goals are a little bit different to resolutions, somewhat more achievable and more attainable. You can plan for a goal, a goal is something to achieve and not something to give up like a lot of New Years resolutions.

 So what are my 2018 goals?

 Well, I figured if I wrote them down here I really ought to stick to them, otherwise you’d all remind me! I’ve separated them into two sections, personal and work, because I figured that might make it a bit easier to work on.


 1.) Build am annex for my mum.

 We’ve been thinking on and off about building an annex, moving, building an annex, moving… stuck in a loop of the same thought processes. Ideally, I’d love to move, I would prefer it to be nearer London or at the very least in the centre of York but Adam hates the idea. He wouldn’t do it and he likes this house. The other issue is the kids schools… so we stay. It seems like the best overall idea, but with 3 adults and 3 ever growing kids, we’re finding space more limited. We would like to get the annex completely built, but if not, I want to get he process started!

 2.) Learn to use Photoshop!

 I have a real admiration for people who can do really awesome things with their photography on IG that makes it one step ahead. My friend Leanne from A Slice of My Life in Wales have helped me before and is truly epic, but I can’t always demand her help, she’s one busy lady! I am in love with Sina from Happy Grey Lucky on instagram; she has done so many truly epic images, all photoshopped to make the kids look like they are hanging in mid air or they are all sat on their heads etc. Amazing!

 3.) Improve video editing skills.

 I had none. Well, I have a few but they are BASIC. Seriously. BASIC. So I need to improve them. At the end of the year I bought myself a drone and I have a GoPro Hero 5 and a Canon G7X Mark ii camera. I also upgraded my phone to an iPhone 8plus purely for the photography… what I’m saying is that I have some pretty niffy equipment and I need to sort myself out and learn everything I can about it. If I want to crack YouTube (which is another goal!) I will need to sort that out.

 4.) Eat as a family at the table

 We don’t do this! We eat as a family but not at the table and I really think now that Adam is going to be at home for every evening meal, we need to crack on. If only to try and have a bit more time together and to force the kids to eat better again.

 5.) Homework every night!

 Yes, I left this off my YouTube video for goals, along with the eating at the table, but this is one I want to do but don’t agree with. I don’t believe the kids should have the homework they do… they spend 30hrs at school and I only have them awake for perhaps 5 hours every day at home. In that time I have 2 meals, 2 changes of clothes, a bath time and a bed time and wake up. At what point are they allowed to chill out and not focus on learning?? They are 5 and 6. Still, that’s the system so I have to respect it. Ugh.

 6.) Lose weight and get back to being healthy

 Let me jut preframe with this isn’t a “I want to lose weight” slant. I do, but not because I want to look a certain way that society tells me I should. No. I want to lose weight and feel fit, I don’t. Over the last 18m I have gained 3-4 stone. I feel overweight, sluggish and uncomfortable. I won’t start a health food and exercise kick until after my birthday because it all goes out the window then anyway but I WILL achieve that healthy, optimum weight again. I felt SO good in myself and so sexy. So there we go.

 7.) Travel more

 I really want to travel more, to get more into travel vlogging and blogging and to show the children the world. I firmly believe that if you don’t show the kids the world, how can you expect them to become totally tolerant of it? And it might not be that you can afford to travel far and wide but then show them beyond their doorstep and do staycations. I want to do both, and that’s a plan for this year!


 1.) Focus on YouTube and hit 4K subs

 Focus on YouTube is a huge goal for me this year. I am planning a weekly blog and I intend to have 4K subs by the end of the year. I’ve got a fair amount of views in the last year without much effort so I need to really step up my game and go to work. I’ve got so very much in the pipeline so if you aren’t already, go sub.

 2.) Get more focused.

 The irony in the fact that today is meant to be my return to work and the day I put all this into practice and I’m already 3hrs late in *posting* this post, never mind writing it. Jesus. Admittedly I had a terrible week with Edith not sleeping and just general not sleeping anyway BUT that is not an excuse.. I need to focus more. So that is a goal for this year. I have idea of increasing traffic, growing Facebook, growing instagram… but mostly, I want to gain focus. I was super focus around 14m ago and I feel like the bigger the business has grown, the more it’s slipped. I can’t afford that, so FOCUS is my push word for 2018.

 3.) Start writing a book

 I’ve had this idea for years, and years, and years… you get it. I’ve had it forever but never done it. Now I need to get the ideas out of my head and on to paper. It’s not something I should put off but that fear of rejection and fear of not doing well is always going to be there… so I need to crack on. If not finish a book this year then at least have the bare bones exposed on paper and ready to rock.

 So those are my 2018 goals!

 H 🙂

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