24 Christmas Eve box ideas for Adults because everyone deserves a bit of festive fun!

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I know I get a little excited at Christmas (understatement alert) but I really like making the magic for everyone. That includes the grown ups, and in our house I started a tradition of Christmas Eve boxes for adults. I joked about it with Adam about 3 years ago but come Christmas I decided to follow through with my jokes, and I’m so pleased I did! It’s so fun, nothing is in there that I wouldn’t have already given to him, or that he wouldn’t have already indulged in at Christmas, so I didn’t really go crazy…

Anyway, here are 24 Christmas eve box ideas for those of you that want to make adult Christmas Eve boxes, they are such fun and well worth making for each other to encourage the festive mood 🙂

  1. New pjs or lounge wear – everyone loves a new set of pjs on Xmas eve right?
  2. A festive Christmas Jumper – if pjs aren’t you’re bag then it’s absolutely a win to include a Xmas jumper (or even just a nice jumper to wear the next day!)
  3. A pre-mixed alcoholic drink – nothing wrong with a tinny, a mini bottle of wine OR if you fancy pushing the boat out an alcoholic set like the Bailey’s ones we all seem to love. You could do this with a mocktail too.
  4. A personalised mug – ideal little treat for using on Christmas Day.
  5. A hot chocolate sachet – simple, easy, perfect to team with the mug.
  6. A personalised glass – same goes for the beverages as the choc and mug!
  7. A cheese & biscuits selection – for the cheese lovers.
  8. Chocolate liqueurs – I remember stealing these from my Grandparents as a child and feeling soooo clever.
  9. Speciality chocolates – such a treat.
  10. Cinema tickets – if you’re a movie lover, you can’t beat a cinema ticket.
  11. Slipper socks – cosy toes for the win!
  12. Bath bombs – these are always so pretty, and perfect for bath lovers.
  13. Candles – festive ones are a bonus!
  14. Wreath Hanger
  15. Body wash – whether it’s a set or an alternative to a bath bomb, I love a good smelly!
  16. Kindle voucher – YES. Always yes.
  17. New book – same as above really.
  18. Adult colouring book – there are so many of these around, perfect edition to the box if you are crafty and find colouring soothing.
  19. Lingerie or fun underwear – why the hell not?
  20. Kinky or cheeky ‘voucher’ – wink wink, nudge nudge. I recommend grabbing these from Etsy as you can usually find downloadable ones to print yourself
  21. Sky Store (or similar) voucher – perfect for a cosy movie night.
  22. Face mask – my kids love the sheet masks and so do I, I think these are great to slip in!
  23. Christmas Murder Mystery Game – this is a super fun twist on a classic!
  24. Nail polish set – there are so many stocking filler style sets that cost very little but look really lovely in a Xmas eve box.
  25. Novelty books – think quizzes, where’s wally, joke books etc.

If you think along the lines of stocking fillers that will help the build up to the day then you are on the perfect track – we love having Camembert with bread, ham and chutney on Christmas Eve, with an alcoholic beverage or two, whilst curling up watching a movie. Perfect!

H x

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