16 tips for Disneyland Paris

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It was only a few short months ago that we went to Disneyland Paris and yet I’m dying to go back as soon as possible. I LOVED it. I’ve found that there are so many comparisons between Disneyland Paris and WDW  but I maintain that comparison is the thief of joy, it really is, so I don’t compare the two and that way I can easily see the joy in both.

I was inundated with messages from people asking for my tips and advice on booking Disneyland Paris and what I would/wouldn’t recommend, how I found it in comparison to WDW and if I had any tips that would make their trips just a little bit more fun. As it happens, I do! I have popped down my tips for Disneyland Paris here in this blog!

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So on with the tips for Disneyland Paris!

  1. Hire a pushchair if you’re only going for a few days.

We didn’t regret this at all! We thought that it might be a bit of a “arghhh” moment but we went across on the Eurostar and we were only there for a few days, so for 40EUROS it was well worth not having to find somewhere to dump the pushchair on the train and the Eurostar train, then wrangle the three kids AND a suitcase… it just made things so much easier. As you go through the gates to Disneyland Paris Park you can find a place to hire the pushchairs and mobility scooters or wheelchairs. If you’re going for any length of time (perhaps a full week) it might be worth buying a cheap stroller instead!

2. The Princess shop is the one stop shop for Princess EVERYTHING.

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The Princess shop in Disneyland Park DOES sell everything princess, you will find that they are the only place that sells anything for Jasmine dress up (and a few others that I can’t remember off the top of my head) and even then, they are likely to be sold out. I think the best thing that you can do is grab a dress up before you go unless its one of the obvious ones: Belle, Aurora, Cinderella, Snow White or Rapunzel. Even though I say that, I still can’t tell you how much you should check out the princess shop – it’s got exclusives and its AMAZE… which brings me on to my next point…

3. Ask what is exclusive in each Shop

Some of the shops have products that are exclusive to just them, in fact quite a lot of them do! If you are walking around the shops have a look at what has an “exclusive” tag on or ask if they have any products that you can only find in that one shop. It might surprise you!

4. Ask at guest services (or check the app) what performances are on and when – then FAST PASS them.

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You could also do this by checking the app which I HIGHLY recommend you download – it’s free and it will give you up to date ideas of queues, events and show times. I love it, I spend a little bit of time working out exactly what I will be doing on what day using the app and then check it in the morning as well. Certain shows like Mickey and the Magician will 100% need you to get there early as they get so full but they are so worth seeing and genuinely the most magical experience.

5. Download the app

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Totally should have thrown this in earlier in the post but now it’s got me thinking – downloading the app is a must. If you search Disneyland Paris in the app stores relevant to your phone it will come up but it is invaluable to your disney experience. Seriously, do not just ignore it. Not only does it tell you about all the shows and times, it also tells you where characters should be, wait times in real time, allows you to book dining experiences and even organise tickets for events. It’s the bomb!

6. Go under the castle

When we were at Disneyland Paris there were so many people who were going under the Princess Castle and they had no idea that there is a dragon down there! It’s Maleficent’s dragon and it’s not to be missed – it is a little bit dark and scary for the kids but mine loved it and had so much fun under there we went back again and again.

7. Character dining is expensive but oh-so-worth it!

Yes it’s pricey, yes it’s hard to get into some of the restaurants but it is Ohhhhh so worth every penny. We didn’t have many options and we went to Café Mickey’s for dinner which we honestly weren’t fans of but the food was the last thing we considered because we just adored the meet and greet with the characters as they came round.

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8. If you don’t want Characters then you still shouldn’t miss Rainforest Café.

We’ve done this in London and in Orlando and it never fails to be a winner. The food is amazing and it’s just outside the parks so slightly quicker to reach than your restaurants in the park but probably even busier (unless we’re talking Princesses – those ladies are in DEMAND).

9. Ask the cast to trade their pins with you and they will

Probably not a surprise to anyone who isn’t a total noob, but if you buy disney trading pins then you can ask the cast to trade with you and they will. It’s something fun for the kids to do and oh-so-enjoyable to join in with.

10. Fast pass everything you can because it will get busy!

Most important ones to fast pass for us were Crush’s Rollercoaster, Ratatouille (which we missed out on because it was having technical issues!), Big Thunder Mountain, Hyperspace Mountain.

11. The best place to watch the parade is…

Just underneath the castle. There is a roped off area for VIPs but next to it there is another area and you can get a cracking view of all your faves.

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12. Photo pass is worth it if you can.

It’s expensive to buy one or two photos but the photopass has it all sent to your phone and it so worth it. We had some really fab images of us in Paris and we didn’t get the pass so I would highly recommend doing it as we missed out there!

13. Newport Bay Hotel is lush – and breakfast is so yum!

We stayed in Newport Bay Hotel and we LOVED it! It’s LUSH, it’s well designed and it’s oh so lovely. I absolutely suggest staying on site and this hotel works out a lot cheaper than the Dinseyland Paris hotel and it’s 5 mins to walk to the park or station. I loved it. One thing I would add is that breakfast in the hotel was delish and it meant that we were up ready and raring to go in time for our magic hour.

14. Use the extra magic hours!

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Use them! Top tip of all: Get up EARLY and use that magic hour, then after lunch head back to your hotel for a siesta and then make your way back to the park either for or after dinner, that way you will have the energy to stay up until the wee hours and enjoy the firework display, then do it all again tomorrow! Don’t miss the fireworks because you think your little ones will be tired – they will, but the magic at disney seems to keep everyone going somehow and if you are there for more than a few days you can always enjoy a few down days or early nights, but long weekenders must. not. miss it!

15. Height restrictions and the parent swap

Parent swap is a feature that allows you both to queue up and then one of you go on whilst the other waits with the kids and then you swap – without having to queue again. So useful and perfect for when you want to go on rides with one of the older children but not the tiddlers. Edith couldn’t go on a few rides, Toby missed out on maybe two so that shows the height restrictions aren’t bad at Disney – it’s much less thrill ride in the conventional sense and more thrilled with awe.

16. Snacks for days

There are thousands of lists out there to tell you which snacks to try but what I do want to say on this is that you should try as much as you can and especially the Mickey desserts!

Have the best time disney lovers! Side note: this competition is in no way affiliated with Primark or Disneyland, Primark is simply one of my faves.

H 🙂

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  1. Avatar October 6, 2019 / 4:25 pm

    Oh my goodness this is a really helpful post – we are going as a couple (just because we love Disney) and this is really helpful!

  2. Avatar
    Kim Clark
    October 7, 2018 / 10:35 pm

    Would love to be able to take my girls to Disney land. Iv been as a child and it definitely makes memories to last a lifetime

  3. Avatar
    Sharon Lawson
    October 7, 2018 / 8:57 pm

    Love your blog its so full of family fun and everyone is always smiling ? #FamilyGoals! Great giveaway aswell, Our little family could be doing with some new winter clothing and would be a great chance to buy some of primarks gorgeous #Disney range? ?

  4. Avatar
    Carol Phile
    October 7, 2018 / 8:22 pm

    I would have to be dragged to Disneyland but this is a well written and helpful piece. Well done you.

  5. Avatar
    Natalie Gillham
    October 7, 2018 / 6:05 pm

    Lovely photos, looks like you had a fun time, I’d like to go myself . Thanks for the great giveaway x

  6. Avatar
    harriet Gibson
    October 7, 2018 / 5:09 pm

    Aww how snuggly does eeyore look?!

  7. Avatar
    October 7, 2018 / 4:31 pm

    Fast Passes are definitely the way to go, but bear in mind you can’t have more than one waiting. You have to use one before getting another.

  8. Avatar
    Adam Irwin
    October 7, 2018 / 3:11 pm

    Great Comp Hope I win

  9. Avatar
    Teresa sheldon
    October 7, 2018 / 2:57 pm

    Lovely photos looks like you all had a wonderful time x

  10. Avatar
    Ellen Stafford
    October 7, 2018 / 11:13 am

    Disney is so fab. I took my niece there when she was 4 – would love to go again sometime now that she is older.

  11. Avatar
    Chantelle Hazelden
    October 7, 2018 / 10:22 am

    Great tips and a fantastic giveaway!!

  12. Avatar
    Aimee Charbonnier
    October 7, 2018 / 6:22 am

    I went to Disneyland Paris as a child – I would love to take my two kids one day!

  13. Avatar
    October 6, 2018 / 10:10 pm

    Looks amazing, thanks for the great info and amazing giveaway

  14. Avatar
    Jane Gorton
    October 6, 2018 / 9:24 pm

    Fantastic prize, thank you x

  15. Avatar
    Helen Robertson
    October 6, 2018 / 8:32 pm

    Off to Disney soon!! Very useful info!!!

  16. Avatar
    kate andrews
    October 6, 2018 / 7:10 pm

    love the photo’s and your matching outfits, off to WDW in a month

  17. Avatar
    Valeria Balan
    October 6, 2018 / 4:17 pm

    Perfect for Christmas

  18. Avatar
    Karen Watt
    October 6, 2018 / 2:51 pm

    Great review And fab prize on my wish list.

  19. Avatar
    carol boffey
    October 6, 2018 / 1:05 pm

    lovely giveaway

  20. Avatar
    Christine Clarke
    October 6, 2018 / 11:24 am

    I took my daughter in 1998 I bet it has changed an awful lot since then would love to go again

  21. Avatar
    Sarah-Dawn Pope
    October 6, 2018 / 11:15 am

    I still haven’t visited Disneyland Paris, but it’s definitely on my wish list

  22. Avatar
    catherine spencer
    October 6, 2018 / 7:40 am

    Lovely read thanks, we went with my 5 children 8 years ago for my 40th I’m hoping to go again for my 50th although the family is much larger now with 4 grandchildren.

  23. Avatar
    Angela Thompson
    October 5, 2018 / 9:17 pm

    It’s good to know about the parent swap on the rides!

  24. Avatar
    October 5, 2018 / 8:41 pm

    Looks like you all had a great time with the weather too. I would love to take my nephews here

  25. Avatar
    Maxine Kirk
    October 5, 2018 / 8:01 pm

    Brilliant tips thank you

  26. Avatar
    Rob Scott
    October 5, 2018 / 5:44 pm

    I love Primark. What a spree I could have with £500

  27. Avatar
    Sheri Darby
    October 5, 2018 / 3:32 pm

    Wow – it looks amazing and so much useful advice

  28. Avatar
    greig spencer
    October 5, 2018 / 8:09 am

    love the video on youtube looks like you had a fab time

  29. Avatar October 4, 2018 / 5:38 pm

    what awesome photos. great information too. l would love to visit some day.!

  30. Avatar
    Sarah Cuttle
    October 3, 2018 / 2:00 am

    Beautiful photos, looks like you had a magical time.

  31. Avatar
    Sarah Lambert
    October 2, 2018 / 3:26 pm

    Beautiful photos would love to take kids to Disney

  32. Avatar
    Emily Hutchinson
    October 2, 2018 / 12:36 pm

    What a fabulous prize, perfect for my holiday shopping before I go to Disney later this month!

  33. Avatar
    Rebecca Nisbet
    October 1, 2018 / 9:36 pm

    Awesome blog!!

  34. Avatar
    Amelia Avossa
    October 1, 2018 / 6:21 pm

    A dream of ours x x all the luck everyon x

  35. Avatar
    Ursula Hunt
    October 1, 2018 / 10:36 am

    Great article and prize

  36. Avatar
    Martina Pichova
    September 30, 2018 / 5:27 pm

    That’s a lot of good advice – I hope we make it there some day…

  37. Avatar
    September 30, 2018 / 9:29 am

    Disney is love <3

  38. Avatar
    September 30, 2018 / 6:29 am

    I cannot wait to take our daughter but with baby #2 on the way next March it’ll be a few years before we’ll go! I loved Disneyland as a kid! X

  39. Avatar September 29, 2018 / 9:10 pm

    Great tips! I want to go so badly, Do you have any tips on where to get the best deals direct or a holiday company? I’m clueless when it comes to all of this but have my heart set on going soon x

  40. Avatar September 29, 2018 / 6:03 pm

    Really fab tips. Definitely worth knowing about parent swap! Love your photos too x

  41. Avatar
    September 29, 2018 / 9:06 am

    Great tips and great prize

  42. Avatar
    Chloe Gaskell
    September 29, 2018 / 8:56 am

    Looks amazing ! We’re saving for an america disney land (may take 10 years) but fingers crossed ?

  43. Avatar September 29, 2018 / 8:01 am

    I long to go to Disneyland, I was meant to go for new year but unfortunately my plans were derailed and I ended up having a few nights with the NHS instead! Have bookmarked this for when I finally get there!

    Love your pictures!

  44. Avatar September 29, 2018 / 7:12 am

    Amazing tips! I will be sharing these with my customers for sure!

  45. Avatar
    rebecca smith
    September 29, 2018 / 5:08 am

    Fantastic, I’ve loved reading this xx

  46. Avatar
    September 28, 2018 / 9:32 pm

    Maybe one day!

  47. Avatar
    September 28, 2018 / 9:25 pm

    Amazing tips, especially helpful for first time goers to Disneyland, will definitely use them in the cuter for our trips??‍♀️?

  48. Avatar
    Jade P
    September 28, 2018 / 5:03 pm

    Looks like you had a fantastic time! Such fab tips!

  49. Avatar September 28, 2018 / 12:45 pm

    Was there when my two boys were young. Amazing time.

  50. Avatar
    Corinne Wright
    September 28, 2018 / 9:14 am

    I’d love to take my four boys to Disney one day! Definitely a dream holiday ?

  51. Avatar September 28, 2018 / 8:54 am

    These tips are fantastic Harriet. My daughter would LOVE the Princess store. Thanks for the practical tips too they are so useful. And my fingers arms and legs are crossed for this giveaway!!

  52. Avatar September 28, 2018 / 8:42 am

    Fab tips, I will definitely coming back to note them down when we go to disneyland!

  53. Avatar
    Jeanette Leighton
    September 27, 2018 / 11:03 pm

    I would love to win and spoil my 2 youngest children

  54. Avatar
    Stevie Stead
    September 27, 2018 / 9:52 pm

    This is so so useful ! Wanting to book for next year and I would have been going in blind ? Thankyou xxx

  55. Avatar
    September 27, 2018 / 7:52 pm

    I absolutely love this post! I’d love to take my kids to Disney, secretly it would be mainly for me haha I’ve always wanted to go! I think it’s definitely going to be something on our bucket list!

  56. Avatar
    September 27, 2018 / 7:26 pm

    Going in June and I can’t wait! Thanks for the tips ? Can you get ears in all the shops? I need to get a pair as soon as I’m there! ?

  57. Avatar September 27, 2018 / 7:14 pm

    your photos look so lovely and colourful – I’d love to take my two back to Disney 🙂

  58. Avatar
    September 27, 2018 / 7:03 pm

    I love Disney land!!! This blog was really fun!!

  59. Avatar
    Emma Gibson
    September 27, 2018 / 11:31 am

    I need this!!

  60. Avatar
    cheryl hadfield
    September 26, 2018 / 9:44 pm

    wow what a fantastic prize… and I love your review

  61. Avatar
    Hannah erskine
    September 26, 2018 / 9:07 pm

    Great prize

  62. Avatar
    Bryony Wilson
    September 26, 2018 / 6:14 pm

    Amazing prize!

  63. Avatar
    debbie smith
    September 26, 2018 / 3:31 pm

    wow what a lovely holiday looks like so much fun and wonderful giveaway thankyou x

  64. Avatar
    Laura Milton
    September 26, 2018 / 2:21 pm

    What brilliant tips!! Its so good that we can share our views and tips online to make peoples holidays much more enjoyable. Most things we do and places we go is recommended by word of mouth!

  65. Avatar
    Ruth Bugg
    September 26, 2018 / 10:15 am

    Looks amazing, every kids dream to go to Disneyland!

  66. Avatar September 26, 2018 / 10:11 am

    I am so so desperate to take Bear to WDW but my budget is barely Disney Paris! I’ve been once before but as a Nanny and it wasn’t the same. Fingers crossed that I find a way to get there! These tips are really good. I had no Idea about trading pins (I still ought to google as I don’t really understand- hang on, you should write a post!) and especially where to watch the parade from.

  67. Avatar
    Victoria Sparrow
    September 26, 2018 / 9:43 am

    Awesome prize! That would be amazing for us.

  68. Avatar
    Justine Meyer
    September 26, 2018 / 9:20 am

    Love the post I have always wanted to go here, hopefully there is time yet x

  69. Avatar
    Allison Sherwood
    September 26, 2018 / 6:47 am

    This is my dream

  70. Avatar
    Michelle Muir
    September 26, 2018 / 2:40 am

    Great tips x

  71. Avatar
    Nadine Carruthers
    September 26, 2018 / 12:31 am

    Thanks a bunch for posting these tips, i had no idea where to start with planning a trip to disney but i’m so much at ease now i know there’s an app!!! I’m for sure Downloading the app lol

  72. Avatar
    Theresa Wakeley
    September 25, 2018 / 9:48 pm

    Looks like you had a fab time! Fingers crossed for your amazing competiton!

  73. Avatar
    September 25, 2018 / 9:46 pm

    Disneyland Paris looks wonderful

  74. Avatar
    Tracy Clark
    September 25, 2018 / 7:41 pm

    Looks like a fab place for a holiday

  75. Avatar
    iain maciver
    September 25, 2018 / 7:09 pm

    this would be amazing

  76. Avatar September 25, 2018 / 6:42 pm

    How do you find Paris? We’ve been told that as we live Florida, we wouldn’t like Paris. I would love to read a comparison post ?

  77. Avatar
    Ro Day
    September 25, 2018 / 6:23 pm

    We loved DisneyLand Paris, and that with with two teenagers! Proves it can be enjoyed by all ages!

  78. Avatar
    Jean Cassell
    September 25, 2018 / 4:48 pm

    That looks like a perfect family holiday. My son took his family and they loved it

  79. Avatar
    anthony harrington
    September 25, 2018 / 3:46 pm

    wonderful! I went to Disney in Florida many, many years ago

  80. Avatar
    Paul Cooper
    September 25, 2018 / 3:43 pm

    Love everything Disney

  81. Avatar
    September 25, 2018 / 2:47 pm

    What a fantastic giveaway! Thank you for the chance 🙂

  82. Avatar
    Amy Bondoc
    September 25, 2018 / 2:22 pm

    some super tips, we are going next year so enjoyed reading x

  83. Avatar September 25, 2018 / 2:08 pm

    I’m trying to persuade my husband that we should go to Disneyland Paris next year as WDW is a few years off yet. I’m sure if i nag enough it will happen right? Ive got my fingers crossed for the competition!

  84. Avatar September 25, 2018 / 1:56 pm

    This has made me so giddy with excitement for holidays there once my boys a little bigger! It has always been a dream of mine to go there but I haven’t managed it yet, and now the fact I can share my joy with my child?! Amazing!! ?

  85. Avatar
    Rich Tyler
    September 25, 2018 / 1:49 pm

    Would love to go to Disneyland Paris (& win the voucher!;)

  86. Avatar
    Victoria Griggs
    September 25, 2018 / 1:29 pm

    Thanks! Handy tips for when we visit DisneyLand with our daughter ?

  87. Avatar
    Kevin Johnson
    September 25, 2018 / 1:24 pm

    Thanks for this. My daughter loves everything Disney and although we haven’t been to Disneyland yet, it is some thing we’ve been looking into for next year so this is very helpful.

  88. Avatar
    olivia Kirby
    September 25, 2018 / 1:24 pm

    I’ve been quite a few times, first time was when I was 16 in its first year of opening. We haven’t been for about 2 years as went to Orlando last year. We’re due to go in February though., booked into Newport Bay Club which my children haven’t been to (I have!). Our favourite hotel there is Sequoia and we choose their Golden Forest room/rate where you get free afternoon cakes, soft drinks and coffee, an extra fast pass per day, separate check in and restaurant. Their pool is lovely too. I have stayed at the big pink Disneyland Hotel and it is lovely but prohibitively expensive!!!
    Don’t know if you know this tip but if you have someone dressed as Peter Pan in your party (I did, my littlest boy) you get to go in the Peter Pan ride fast pass queue as many times as you like! We found this out when we had already got a fast pass for the ride but made sure we packed the outfit for our next visit!
    PS I am also a huge Primark fan. I don’t go often as I don’t really go out shopping so when I do it’s a splurge!! We went on Sunday and I spent £175, but I did buy a Winter coat which I haven’t bought for 3 or 4 years and quite a lot of Disney stuff and a suitcase for my daughter’s birthday this weekend!!
    Reading this has made me so excited for our next Disney fix!!

  89. Avatar
    September 25, 2018 / 1:13 pm

    I’m desperate to take Freya to Disneyland Paris but with baby #2 due in the next couple of months I don’t know when we’ll get the chance ??

  90. Avatar
    September 25, 2018 / 12:40 pm

    Totally agree. Both Florida and Paris are amazing. Nothing like Disney magic

  91. Avatar
    Kay Broomfield
    September 25, 2018 / 12:36 pm

    What a fantastic treat!

  92. Avatar
    Emily Gage
    September 25, 2018 / 12:34 pm

    I really wanna go!

  93. Avatar
    Ann Gwillim
    September 25, 2018 / 12:32 pm

    Love it !!

  94. Avatar
    Tracy Nixon
    September 25, 2018 / 12:29 pm

    Love the photos! Looks like you had an amazing time! Great tips too and thanks for the giveaway!

  95. Avatar
    Claire Austin
    September 25, 2018 / 12:26 pm

    We’re off to Disneyland at Oct half term so this is really useful. Thanks!

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