12 days of Blogmas :: Day 5 :: Louise from Pink Pear Bear

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Missed my last posts and curious as to what the hell blogmas is? I’ve explained it here on day 1.

Louise from Pink Pear Bear

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Why this blogger?

Lou is one of the kindest, sweetest ladies I’ve ever met and one of the few bloggers on this list that I’ve actually had the pleasure of meeting and chatting to. She’s been doing an absolutely awesome vlogmas over Christmas and without any prompting took it upon herself to give a little shout out to everyone’s children in the group. We were all so thrilled, Reuben and Toby were spellbound that the lady with pink hair spoke to them through the computer. Oh – and the pink hair? Too cool.

Who is she?

Hello! I’m Louise, mama to two gorgeous ones, wife to one handsome one! As a family, we love to travel, nothing is more fun then packing up our converted VW van Wilma and going exploring. My parenting philosophy is to try and laugh about things. Then have wine with friends and laugh some more! Fan of tea and cake.

Which posts should you absolutely 100% check out? (my favourites!)

“I am with you, oh so with you, your worries are my worries, your pain is mine and I shall always do anything for you, including helping us both to beat this horrible sense of dread that can creep up and pounce when you least expect it.”

  • Working from home with children. Alternative title: How to ruin a perfectly good day.

“That is just a teensy bit distracting lovey, tell you what, you go and choose a story from the book shelf and I promise I’ll read it to you after.”

“Can’t see the books. Little brother knocked them all off when he climbed right up all the shelves to the very top to practice his Spiderman jumps.”


“There was the ‘Before Me’, when I was a fun loving party animal, then Pregnant me, followed sharply by New Baby me, not long after I became Two Baby me, which led to PND me, then I got better, my children got older, and more self sufficient and I’m left with. Who?”

Please have a little click about on those posts and have a read of Louise’s beautiful blog.

Come back on monday for blogmas day 6!

H x

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