12 days of Blogmas :: Day 2 :: Laura from Life with Baby Kicks

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Missed my last posts and curious as to what the hell blogmas is? I’ve explained it here on day 1.

Laura from Life with Baby Kicks

Why this blogger?

Laura is my expat mama friend, she is currently living in Qatar however she lived in Dubai for a few years before moving out to Doha. I constantly admire Laura, some of her posts about being homesick, trailing after her spouse in another country and sleepless nights have left me in awe of her strength, as I’m such a homebird and really don’t think I’d cope without the support network I have.

Who is she?

I’m Laura and I’m a 30 (something) mum to the Big One and Baby Boy and we are living the expat life out in the sandpit otherwise known as Doha, previously living in Dubai.  It appears we are sand-junkies!

Back in January 2015, as it appears to be all the rage these days, I thought why on earth not join the masses who are blogging about life and blog about my life.  More specifically life as a mum.  A stay at home mum at that.  A stay at home mum in Dubai.  To a mischievous little 2 year old, aka the toddler terror.  Who likes to kick me.  And did I mention that I was pregnant when I started this blog?  I did?  Well when I was pregnant not only did I get booted on the outside by my bigger one, I also get booted from the inside as well by Baby Boy; and so “Life with Baby Kicks” was born.

Which posts should you absolutely 100% check out? (my favourites!)

“From every day with Daddy, from *nearly* every night Daddy putting you to bed, whispering away your fears, tucking you in tightly before you close your eyes, to time without Daddy.  Daddy having to go back, to finish the contract, to being the man you see on Skype every night.  Watching you kiss the screen.  Grabbing your latest toy, or drawing, or stick from the garden and waving them at the screen.  Watching as your Daddy’s heart breaks a little as you tell him you miss him.  Watching it shatter as you utter the words “but I want to come home on a plane to Dubai to you” and explaining again that Dubai isn’t home anymore.  I’m sorry that we’ve taken you away from all you’ve known, because let’s face it, you’ve lived in Dubai for most of your life, it’s your home, it’s all you’ve known.”

“I am the one who pushes aside the loneliness of putting yourself out there and does it anyway.  Meeting people, making small talk, making big talk.  Asking questions that seem stupid but knowing that there are no stupid questions.”

“I can count on one hand the number of times he has slept through the night in his whole life, and let me tell you I don’t even need all 5 fingers on the that hand.

18 months is a long time with broken sleep.

Some nights are longer than others.”

Please have a little click about on those posts and have a read of Laura’s beautiful blog.

Come back tomorrow for blogmas day 3!

H x

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