12 days of Blogmas :: Day 10 :: Kerry from All about a Mini Norris blog

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Missed my last posts and curious as to what the hell blogmas is? I’ve explained it here on day 1.

Kerry from All about a mini Norris

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Why this blogger?

Kerry is another one of my Welsh faves, and she is such a hardworking lady! Kerry takes her most gorgeous pictures of her sweet little girls and I am constantly envying their style and hers too. Kerry’s blog is a haven for beautiful and honest reviews of the best toys around – and don’t even get me started on this ladies weight loss journey! Kerry also blogs about her experiences with PND and her pregnancies.

Who is she?

Kerry is a mum to 2 lovely little girls, Eva aged 3 and Ophelia aged 11 months. Kerry is married, living in South Wales and works as an Operating theatre assistant in between blogging and spending time with her little ones.

Which posts should you absolutely 100% check out? (my favourites!)

“I really didn’t know how to deal with the situation. As the mum, I always thought the decision on when to stop breastfeeding would be mine. I always thought I would be in control.”

I question myself, my self worth, my actions, my thoughts on a daily basis but it was at this moment in time when all I could hear was this song that it dawned on me. I had lost myself to post natal depression. Who was this girl I see? I didn’t recognise her at all. I cried some of the hardest tears I have ever cried.”

“It’s been a roller coaster of highs and lows and ups and downs. There’s been days when I’ve been excited and happy and then there’s been days when I’ve been angry and ridiculously unhappy. Whilst talking to the hubby about it, I started laughing as it reminded me a lot of the Disney film ‘Inside Out’ and how at times, we have no control over how we think or feel.”

Please have a little click about on those posts and have a read of Kerry’s beautiful blog.

Come back tomorrow for blogmas day 11!

H x

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