12 days of Blogmas :: Day 3 :: Hannah from Hi Baby Blog

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Missed my last posts and curious as to what the hell blogmas is? I’ve explained it here on day 1.

Hannah from Hi Baby Blog

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Why this blogger?

Hannah is my Northern Irish sister from another mister. This woman is hilarious, honest and fabulously blunt, with just enough kindness and sass to make it all come together. Hannah is one mama who would openly laugh and tell me that Edith is feral while passing me the virtual bottle of whatever-the-hell was available at the time and my blogging life would not be the same without her. Always the first to share laughter and boost my confidence, you can’t miss this lady. More so than anything I relate to Hannah’s breastfeeding posts, she is still feeding her daughter, as am I, and some of her anecdotal posts are FAB.

Who is she?

Hannah is a first time mum to Luisa, who was born in May 2015, and living in Belfast with her boyfriend Matt. On Hannah’s blog you can expect to read about weaning, messy play, breastfeeding, products they have tried and tested and so much more.

Which posts should you absolutely 100% check out? (my favourites!)

  • Am I a Real Mum yet?

“What is a real mum? The internet can’t agree. The dictionaries are stumped. I have no idea what being a ‘real mum’ means and I certainly have no idea if I’m one…”

“I’m trying to dilute my despair with a little humor so here is a list of 15 things that have distracted Luisa from nursing (and therefore stopped her from falling asleep)

NB this list only contains distractions that have been an issue over the last 3 days. Buckle up...”

  • Why I have no time for #dadgoals

“When you celebrate basic caregiving you are not normalising the role a man plays in his children life. You’re saying that the bare minimum is something children and women should bow down to.

A great Dad doesn’t need your approval or your #DadGoals hashtags, it’s embarrassing that you praise him like he’s a halfwit. A truly wonderful Dad does great things when no-one is looking, as well as when the cameras are on. Just like a great Mum does.

He also does normal, everyday, gross things. He cleans sick, makes dinner, washes laundry. He’s not a child he’s a grown up. He’s a parent. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Please have a little click about on those posts and have a read of Hannah’s beautiful blog.

Come back tomorrow for blogmas day 4!

H x

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