12 days of Blogmas :: Day 12 :: Hannah from Hannah Spannah

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It’s finally here, day 12! I really hope you’ve enjoyed clicking through different blogs and enjoying these fabulous ladies and their amazing content! If you missed my last posts and curious as to what the hell blogmas is? I’ve explained it here on day 1.

Hannah from Hannah Spannah

Hannah Spannah 2016Pin this image on Pinterest

Why this blogger?

Hannah reached out to me in a group on facebook when we discovered that we lived quite close to each other, and we decided to meet up and have a play day at a local beach with ALL our kids and Hannah’s gorgeous dog. The kids loved it (and each other), we loved it and since we’ve met up again and had an absolute blast! Hannah blogs about life as a single mummy, her host of chronic illnesses (which she never let’s you know about when you are out with her) and her daily life.

Who is she?

Hi, I’m Hannah, a crutch using, chronic condition collecting, coffee loving, baking, crafting, single Mummy to a relatively free range, outdoorsy, 3 yr old boy.

Which posts should you absolutely 100% check out? (my favourites!)

“This is so hard. I want my baby to have the type of Christmas that I had. I don’t want him to be taken away from his home on Christmas Day “

“Despite it being 2016, we still live in a very gender specific world. Some countries are less so than others but on a whole, society and companies are very gender specific.

He’s not allowed to play with a doll. The ‘He’ is my son. The voice comes from my ex.”

“I don’t want what you have. I am free. I am happy. I am not lonely and my life is as full as I can manage. I don’t need a man to complete my life, the day my son was born, that role was taken. He completes me. He’s my dream come true and there is nothing else in the world that means enough to me to make me miss 1 minute voluntarily.”

Please have a little click about on those posts and have a read of Hannah’s beautiful blog.

That’s it! The final Blogmas… I will be back as normal on 5th and I can’t wait to get back into the swing of things!

H x

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  1. Avatar January 5, 2017 / 8:35 pm

    What a fab series – I’m off to check out Hannah’s blog now x

    • Harriet January 6, 2017 / 11:22 am

      Hannah’s blog rocks!

  2. Avatar January 5, 2017 / 7:35 pm

    I love reading these posts and learning about other bloggers. I do think it is quite sad that in today’s world there is still some stigma about what toys a child can play with based on his/her gender. That needs to change.

    • Harriet January 6, 2017 / 11:22 am

      Amen Sarah! So bad xx

    • Harriet January 5, 2017 / 12:18 pm

      You are, as ever, more than welcome!

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