12 days of Blogmas :: Day 9 :: Emma from Emma and 3

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Missed my last posts and curious as to what the hell blogmas is? I’ve explained it here on day 1.

Emma from Emma and 3 AND Mum’s Savvy Savings

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Why this blogger?

Emma is, quite simply, EPIC. She has offered me advise, support and help while still managing to maintain her TWO blogs and raise three kids. I am honestly in awe of her and consider her somewhat my blogging guru lady. Emma even has a book out (in which I am honoured to be featured) called Blogging your way to riches.

Who is she?

Hi, I am Emma,  writer, teacher, public speaker, author  and also the editor at Tots 100  I have been blogging for six years and full time for two. As a qualified teacher, mum to children with interesting health conditions I often write about education and health.  I am a feminist and this shows in some posts, I was previously Head of Sociology in a large comprehensive school in Gloucestershire.  I like wine, clothes and going away (who doesn’t)  I am a total social media addict who also write’s at mums savvy savings  a money and time saving blog.

Which posts should you absolutely 100% check out? (my favourites!

“I want to tell students to aim high, really high.  I tell my children to look at all their options and that they can work for whatever they want.  My school didn’t tell me that. “

“For a long time I thought I could have it all, an amazing job, well grounded children and a show home.  Yet it got too much, we were flagging, we rushed from pillar to post and the quality was gone.”

“The Olympics should be used to motivate our young people, a time to celebrate success and when there are concerns about women’s participation in sport it is a time to showcase women’s brilliance, a chance to raise women up and tell everyone that sport is cool.

And yet we don’t seem to be managing this do we?”

Please have a little click about on those posts and have a read of Emma’s beautiful blogs.

Come back tomorrow for blogmas day 10!

H x

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