12 days of Blogmas :: Day 4 :: Beth from Twinderelmo

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Missed my last posts and curious as to what the hell blogmas is? I’ve explained it here on day 1.

Beth from Twinderelmo

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Why this blogger?

Beth is my gif queen. It really is that simple, she is one of those wonderful people that makes you smile and makes your WhatsApp or Messenger just a little bit brighter by being in there.  Beth also shares my passion for Disney and does NOT have a brummy accent – just in case you ever chat to her!

Who is she?

Hello! I am a 30-something married stay at home parent am based in Shropshire, near the Midlands in England. I live with my husband, son (born December 2008) and identical twin daughters (born June 2013)  I am a stay at home parent blogging my way through my crazy hectic days.

Twinderelmo.co.uk was founded in October 2013 when on maternity leave with my then four month old baby twins. I took voluntary redundancy from my public sector job which I had worked in for eight long years, so the thought of being unemployed was a somewhat daunting one. My blog initially started as a diary but has now evolved to a wonderful eclectic blend of home, interiors, fitness and parenting blog, with a good splash of humour and real life thrown in.

Which posts should you absolutely 100% check out? (my favourites!)

“My parents were strong and my heroes. They always sorted everything and I would always go to bed happy and loved.

But will my children feel the same? I don’t feel like anyone’s hero.”

“Are we still living in a society which it’s ok to ridicule someone for their weight? The hippo joke memes dragged out yet again for another ignorant airing. If it was about someone’s gender, race or disability would it be Ok? “

“Readers I don’t know what to do. My pre-school pig girl is so incredibly bossy. I totally ignore it and let her be a bit of a brat on the whole but I’m just too nice to shout and glug gin out of the bottle. I know most other parents massively dislike her but for some bizarre reason other human children absolutely LOVE her and want to watch her 24/7.”

Please have a little click about on those posts and have a read of Beth’s beautiful blog.

Come back tomorrow for blogmas day 5!

H x

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