This is part of the ‘brights’ collection from Tuppence & Crumble, so if you have a plain pushchair or you have a brightly coloured one then this could match!
I just can’t even get over how sweet this is, and with fold back mittens as well, this is perfect for winter!
This baby wrap is so adorable. You know when you see babies all warm and cosy in a pushchair or their mother’s arms and your ovaries start to twitch? Yeah, that kind of cute.
Made by the brilliant Tuppence & Crumble, these wraps (which have coined their own name of star snug) are the perfect solution for this cooler weather we are now getting, especially as they fit into everything from the pushchair to the car seat and even a sling.
Made from machine washable, super soft fleece, these are an absolute must have for your bambino for the cooler months.
You can find them on the Tuppence & Crumble site here.
Harriet x