Toddler proof nibbles: Cheesy Chicken Nuggets

Kids seem to love chicken nuggets (Roo discovered this love on holiday one year) and this is the easier, tastiest chicken nugget recipe ever!Pin this image on Pinterest

Kids seem to love chicken nuggets (Roo discovered this love on holiday one year) and this is the easier, tastiest chicken nugget recipe ever!

The boys have had this god awful bug that has been floating around, in fact it seems to have hit the whole of my family! This meant that mealtimes have been dreadful in our house we have hardly had a meal together all week and when we have no one has wanted to eat!

So when the boys seemed to be getting over it, I was on a mad hunt to figure out if we had anything in the house that they would consider! I realised that we had some  shop bought cheese straws left over in the tuperware box that had been bought about 2 days before in a desperate bid to try and get them to eat something! If not eaten on the first day cheese straws (puff pastry baked with cheese basically) go hard, just like bread. They are still fine to eat but they aren’t as nice when they are flaky and hard.

Instead of bidding them I had a bit of a eureka moment and I decided to try and coax them using a combination of their favourites: Chicken nuggets and Cheese straws! Don’t judge, it worked!! It was really tasty and an even easier version of chicken nuggets than usual!

Here is what you need:

  • 1 large chicken breast, cut into nugget size cubes
  • 1 egg, whisked with a little dash of milk
  • 1-2 tbsp flour
  • 4-6 cheese straws

Pre-heat the oven to Gas mark 6/200C. Crush up the cheese straws, these should be so flaky that you can do this with your fingers. Cube the chicken then coat it in the flour, straight into the whisked egg and into the crushed up cheese straws for a good coating.

Pop the nuggets straight onto a baking tray and bake for 20-30 minutes depending on how big your chicken pieces are.

I always bake my chicken nuggets, never fry them, not only is it healthier for the boys but I think they also taste better. I served this to the boys with a slice of bread and some carrot sticks, bare in mind this was just a small, light post poorly lunch, but this could be delicious for dinner if done with something like mixed potato and sweet potato wedges and a simple ratatouille. Yum!!

Harriet x


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  1. Avatar March 24, 2016 / 10:23 am

    Cheese straws don’t last long enough around me to go hard haha This is an awesome idea though, I may have to resist cheesy temptation in order to make some. Hope everyone’s feeling better now xx

    • Harriet March 25, 2016 / 1:17 pm

      Haha – you cheese straw fiend you! H x

  2. Avatar March 22, 2016 / 9:56 am

    These look great Harriet! Simple and yet so tasty! x

    • Harriet March 22, 2016 / 11:02 am

      Thanks Zoe – I was surpassed by how good they were actually! H x

  3. Avatar
    March 22, 2016 / 1:23 am

    these look so yummy, will be giving these a go! x

    • Harriet March 22, 2016 / 11:03 am

      Thanks Stephanie xx

  4. Avatar March 21, 2016 / 10:11 pm

    Ooh they sound quite nice! Such a nightmare when they won’t eat anything you offer, so well done for thinking of something!

    • Harriet March 22, 2016 / 11:07 am

      Thanks Sarah – it got something into them and stopped the wastage so I took the lack of healthy for the one day and rolled with it haha! H x

  5. Avatar March 21, 2016 / 9:58 pm

    Oh man we’ve all had the evil stomach bug here too. It has totally played havoc with meal times as someone has either been poorly or with no appetite. I’ve been trying to temp the kids with lots of different snacks. I’m so bored of eating pasta with really plain sauce which is the only thing anyone wanted to eat! I’ll definitely give these a try.

    • Harriet March 22, 2016 / 11:07 am

      It’s rubbish isn’t it Sarah! H x

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